American Society of Home Inspectors
Why Should You Choose an ASHI Inspector to Perform Your Home Inspection?
Established in 1976, ASHI, The American Society of Home Inspectors, is a non-profit organization whose membership consists of more than 6000 home inspectors nationally.
Massachusetts requires home inspectors to be licensed. It’s the LAW! The process is lengthy, time consuming
and arduous and the result is an inspector who looks for everything there is to find and finds everything. A home
inspection applicant in Massachusetts must first obtain an Associate License. This requires an applicant to accompany 25 fee paid inspections by a licensed home inspector. In addition, an applicant must pass the National Home Inspector’s Exam and classroom study totaling 75 hours in plumbing, electrical, report writing, ethics, structure, etc. An applicant must be sponsored by a licensed home inspector and have state mandated coverage Errors and Omissions Insurance. The next step in the licensing process involves performing 100 additional fee paid inspections to be completed over a minimum of 1 year. It is at this time, that the applicant can apply for full licensure.

David A. Rossinow
ACI #245730
Not all Massachusetts inspectors are ASHI members. An inspector who wants to be ASHI certified goes beyond the state licensing requirements. To become a certified ASHI inspector, the inspector must first become an ASHI member, pass the national exam, be able to document a minimum of 250 fee-based inspections, provide randomly selected written reports for audit by ASHI and agree to and comply with The ASHI Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. An ASHI inspector is obligated to obtain continuing educational credits. Staying current is paramount for an inspector to learn new building materials and techniques.